The main goal of the innovative InResLab startup incubator is to support the development of innovative entrepreneurship, while at the same time encouraging the creation of a territorial network with companies, potential partners, universities and lenders.

InResLab will help entrepreneurs or aspirants to realize and support innovative ideas by providing companies with space, equipment and business development support services for startup and growth, up to a maximum of three years. Such support will be of a structural and organizational nature designed to foster the growth of entrepreneurial, organizational and managerial mentality. They can apply for admission to the innovative InResLab Startup Incubator

  • Subjects with an innovative idea of ​​product, service, process, technology, organization or business model that intend to be an innovative startup.
  • Innovative Startups (registered in the special section of the Innovation Startup Register at the competent Chamber of Commerce) provided they are constituted no later than 36 months from the date of submission of the application for access.

The admission application should be accompanied by the presentation of the entrepreneurial project to be completed. The selection of the applications is divided into the following steps: First Stage: Applications are subject to verification of formal eligibility requirements. Second Stage: The Evaluation Commission analyzes and evaluates business projects.

Companies within the Incubator will have access to an articulated system of services, distinct in the following categories: Basic Services and Value Added Services. The relationship between the Incubator and the startup and how to use all the services offered will be governed by a specific Service Contract. Incubation fee for basic services (eg workstations with ergonomic desk and armchair, in work areas with wardrobes and archives; Internet network with ultra-wide band access; PABX and reception, secretarial service, Correspondence, etc …) consists of a fixed quota per incubated subject and a proportion proportional to the number of positions required by the incubated subject. Value Added Services will be listed on the basis of the incubated subject’s requirements (eg monitoring of the economic and financial development and startup business development; legal-contractual, administrative-accounting, tax, labor, financial, environmental and security consultancy , Quality, intellectual property management; support for project submission and management, etc …).

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